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Future You '22 - The Annual Theme & Manifesto

My annual theme for 2022. An excuse to do the hard & healthy thing you already know you want to do.

My Favorite Things from 2021

I reviewed all my newsletter from 2021 and picked the best stuff for my final issue of the year

I Made a Personal Flag for 2020

If a picture's worth a thousand words, a flag's worth a thousand photos

Efficiency Is An Excuse To Not Do The Actual Work

Wanna lose weight? Stop reading this sentence & do 10 pushups.

Pain is the Point

A goal is a selection of problems you’ve chosen to overcome in order to give meaning & purpose to your life.

The path to success always requires a stop in hell

Everyone who gets to heaven has to go through hell

How Could it Be Any Other Way?

The hardest part of any endeavor is discovering what you make in the first place.

The Perfect Decision Fallacy

To be great you have to move forward in the face of uncertainty

Why is Everyone Like their Parents?

In which Noah Kagan kicks my ass.

How I lost 25 pounds lugging my Peloton across the country in the back of my car

I was losing weight but then Covid hit & my gym closed. That left me with only 1 option...

Build 2021 - The Annual Theme & Manifesto

My personal theme for 2021, and why it has potentially bigger implications.

Optimism 2020: A Manifesto

A declaration of Optimism: What it means to be optimistic when the world is falling apart around you.

The Religion of Creation

We should praise and admire the people who build things.

Why I Create Annual Themes

Creating a yearly them is like making a memorable marketing slogan for your most important value.